Hello Everyone 👋

I'm Bhautik Pethani
I am aweb interface.

As a Creative Mobile App Developer with 5+ years of experience, I'm on a mission to bring imagination to life through interactive projects, spanning Mobile Apps, Web-based software, and Innovative Websites. I spend the majority of my time immersed in the world of code, crafting exceptional solutions that captivate users. My relentless pursuit of excellence is fueled by a commitment to staying at the forefront of technology trends, constantly enhancing my development stack.

I specialize in weaving magic into my projects, turning captivating designs into immersive, dynamic experiences. My secret ingredient? Transitions and animations that breathe life into every interaction. I tailor these experiences to suit my clients, leveraging the most sophisticated technologies available today. The result? Fully interactive and responsive websites and apps that leave a lasting impression.

Beyond coding, I'm a firm believer in the 'Ever positive, never negative attitude in every situation,' and my dedication knows no bounds. Whether I'm engrossed in a challenging project or exploring the latest innovations, I approach each day with unwavering enthusiasm. Currently, I'm on the lookout for my next creative venture, a full-time opportunity in Full Stack Software Development, where I can continue to push the boundaries of mobile technology and craft digital experiences that inspire and engage.

What i do
Web Sites and
and Graphics
My Resume

👨‍💻 Work Experiences
Feb 2022 - Present
Senior Mobile Application Developer - Webmount Studio

Led end-to-end development of Android/iOS apps, integrated with NodeJS backend and Flutter frontend, employing Bloc for state management and MQTT for IoT connectivity. Utilized Docker and AWS for containerization and deployment, collaborating closely with cross-functional teams to deliver new features. Managed microservices deployment on AWS ECR/ECS, documented system architecture on Confluence, and led a team through SDLC using Jira Scrum, ensuring code quality and timely production releases.

Jan 2023 - Apr 2023
Mobile App Developer - HireOpp (Freelance)

Revolutionizing user-vendor connections, our cutting-edge real-time location-based app enhances interactions with nearby vendors, freelancers, and businesses. Seamless communication is facilitated through Twilio API for SMS notifications, while secure payment processing is enabled via integrated Stripe API, fostering cashless transactions. With Firebase Authentication and Cloud Firestore, we prioritize user privacy and data integrity, ensuring secure storage of app data and reliable user authentication.
Click Here >>>

Jul 2022 - Dec 2022
Mobile App Developer - Patient Connect (Freelance)

Patient Connect is a powerful platform that provides users with trustworthy medical information directly from their healthcare providers. It offers a wide range of content, from disease FAQs to expert advice, myth-busting, personalized videos, and exercise routines. This Android app utilizes RestAPIs, third-party libraries, and efficient media handling via Media Bucket and server space allocation. To ensure smooth content delivery, we implemented File IO Operations connected to RestAPIs. The app is now available on the PlayStore, offering easy access to reliable medical insights for users.
Click Here >>>

Mar 2019 - Dec 2021
iOS Developer - PlanicsDev

As an iOS Developer, I delved into UIKit, GCD, threading, Cocoa Touch, JSON Parsing, and REST APIs. I seamlessly integrated payment gateways like In-App Purchase, PayPal, and Stripe, along with social media logins such as Facebook, Google, and Apple. Architecturally, I streamlined from MVC to MVVM, accelerating feature development and improving UI responsiveness. Through efficiency enhancements and process optimizations, I reduced crash rates by 25%, while leveraging RxSwift and Firebase for enhanced user engagement and real-time communication capabilities.

🎓 Education
Jan 2022 - Aug 2023
Lambton College

Coursework: Android and iOS development fundamentals, Swift and Java programming, Mobile browser application development, Mobile Frontend and Backend development, Software Quality Assurance Testing.

Jun 2017 - Sep 2020
Uka Tarsadiya University

Coursework: Algorithm and Data Structures, Database management system, Web Development, Software development, Software Engineering.

My Skills




  • Figma

  • Adobe XD

  • Photoshop



  • Javascript


  • Bootstrap


Flutter | NodeJS | Cross-Plateform

HireOpp: Bridging You to Local Services!

HireOpp is an innovative real-time location-based app that connects users with local vendors, freelancers, and businesses, enhancing service interactions

Flutter | NodeJS | Cross-Plateform

Patient Connect: Where Healthcare Meets Authentic Information

Patient Connect is a powerful platform that provides users with trustworthy medical information directly from their healthcare providers. It offers a wide range of content, from disease FAQs to expert advice, myth-busting, personalized videos, and exercise routines.

iOS | Swift | SwiftUI | StoryBoard | AWS

FitMe: Your Fitness Companion for a Healthier Lifestyle

FitMe is a fitness and health-based app that suggests various exercises to users based on their lifestyle to achieve their body goals.

iOS | Swift | SwiftUI | XCode

Travel Journal: Capture, Preserve, and Relive Your Adventures

Travel Journal is developed to preserve all memories of visited places, including notes, photos, videos, and locations.

Android | Java | Android Studio

Task Manager Plus: Multimodal Daily Efficiency

Task Manager is developed with the purpose to manage our daily tasks in a categorized manner with images and audio recordings.

iOS | Swift | SwiftUI | State Management

Tic Tac Toe: Resume Where You Left!

Enjoy endless fun with our Tic Tac Toe game, and never lose your progress—pick up right where you left off!

iOS | Swift | SwiftUI |  Maps

Maps, Multi-Point Navigation

This app enables users to establish map zones with multiple markers and easily navigate from one point to various destinations, enhancing location-based functionality.